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Tips for Busy Parents to Create Lasting Memories: Ideas for Quality Time Activities

As parents, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and struggling to make time for the things that matter most – like spending quality time with our children. As exhausted you might be, you’d still love to spend some quality time with your child, isn’t it? It can be challenging to find the time to connect with our kids, but it’s essential for their emotional and social development and for our peace of mind.

Here’s some help – In this blog, we’ll explore some tips and ideas for bonding activities you can do together. 

Find that sweet spot in the day when you know you’ll be together

The best thing you can do is be regular in your presence for your child – it could be a routine activity like chatting before bed-time or going for an evening walk t00. Just find that 15 -20 min spot that is dedicated time for each other.

Be committed 

As difficult as it is, during this time, put away all distractions, such as your phone or computer, and focus solely on your child. Ensure your child is available to give you their full attention too. After all this time should be rewarding for both of you.

Be prepared

You could just become a part of what the child is already doing like playing, reading etc, or you could decide something to do together. I personally find doing this helps me find more value and enjoyment this way. 

Here’s some ideas that are easy to do, fun, and promote bonding.

Ow Prep/ Quick


Require Planning/ Longer Duration

Read/ listen to a story in your mother tongue

Do a puzzle or crossword together

Rent a cycle and go for a ride

Play WORD games

Go for a walk and observe flowers/ insects/ leaves

Make a no-fire recipe

Listen and dance to your fav music

Make and Play a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt

Learn a song and perform together

Check out our list of easy songs to learn and sing with your child and this blog on benefits that musical activities have on a child.


Make it a memorable experience

Write a journal together, take pics and create a digital album or plan a special activity together to create and save these memories. 

Finally, remember that this time should mean as much to you as to the child. Find something that both of you enjoy to make this an important part of your day 🙂

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